
UV Sterilizers

Health Issues ?

Colgrove Air carries the UV lights and products you need , to make the air you breathe inside your home or business , cleaner for you !

Believe it or not , What you can’t see , could hurt you.

“The air inside your home may be up to 5 times more polluted- and occasionally 100 times – more polluted than the air outside ”

Source U.S Environmental Protection Agency

” Approximately 50 % of illnesses are either caused by aggravated or poor indoor air quality’

Source : American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology “

The solution :Healthy Climate® UV germicidal light

Destroys Germs in your home
Healthy Climate® UV germicidal lights will destroy contaminants like mold, mildew and bacteria.

But How Can A UV Light Do That ?

By using maximum-intensity ultraviolet light the UV light damages the cell structure of micro- organisms reducing them
from growing and spreading throughout your home or business .

A Healthy Climate® UV germicidal light reduces concentrations of airborne microorganisms by 50% within as little as 45 minutes. (Based on constant circulation of a 3000 SQ FT Home with a five ton air handler).

Call us today and we will help find you an affordable solution for keeping the air you breathe inside your home or business, better for you.